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So this is just the start.

A lot has happened over the past year. In many ways it’s been a collision of factors that have been on interjecting courses for some time.

I think it’s all for the best though.

I’m on the back foot – again. Late to the start of a new career – again!
Where all of my peers (when I finally start working) will be so far ahead I won’t even be able to see them on the horizon.

I have a tendency to making things hard for myself. I’m not sure why, it’s maybe that my programming is instinctively stoic.

Fortunately I’m generally comfortable being uncomfortable. I have different naggings of guilt and apathy when I’m too comfortable.

So I was a Chef before. 

I love food. Everything about it. From farm to fork, history to conceptual, techniques, methods, styles, culture, the science, biology, chemistry, nutrition, there isn’t an angle that can’t get me hooked.
However working with it on a commercial basis can strain that relationship.

Yep sure, on TV there are plenty of advocates, success stories (at least on the surface), words like passion and lifestyle. I heard all of those too, I still do but the words you don’t hear on TV so much are sacrifice, frustration, pain or struggle.

Being a Chef is hard. There are lots of variables to consider to be at peace with the job (a lot of which are getting harder).

For a number of reasons specific to me and my life, I couldn’t make it work and I harmed myself trying. Finally a sequence of events led me to the decision to retire as a Chef and try something new. I’ve realised that just because you have a passion for something it doesn’t necessarily make it the right option for a job.

Having been intrigued by computers, code and the digital platform for some time I’ve decided that’s where I’m heading.

In parallel I’m looking after myself and understanding my consciousness better. An experience of my own mental fragility has opened a door to study this area further and realise its huge value.

This blog seemed like a good idea to write stuff down. It turns out I really like to write too. It saves everyone from my verbose nature.

Time to refresh the page and start again.