You are currently viewing June – month 5.
The last stages of operation yard

June – month 5.

June was always going to be bit of a bumpy month regarding my food logging; it was a classic example of life taking the front seat whilst other habits trundled along in the background.

The first big event was the largish task of finally tackling our tired and decrepit yard as the month began.

The second event was a trip abroad to visit Holly’s parents for the first time since the Covid lockdown took most international travel off the agenda.

The yard had been a project that was a long time in the planning stage. The logistical strategy of our house refurb had meant that we needed to start in the attic and tectonically work our way down through the levels.

It meant that the view of our yard from the kitchen deteriorated rapidly as we tackled each stage of operation house, patiently waiting its turn.

As the rubble of an old bathroom, an old kitchen, 100 year old render from the cellar, ancient plaster, door frames, skirting and relentless jet washing took its tole, it had become increasingly in need of its rejuvenation.

The final insult was the digging of a trench to accommodate a new water feed.

Our scarred yard

A grubby week tackling the yard and keeping a companion worker fed, meant that taking photos of the food we were eating was less appropriate.

On a positive note the heavy labour allowed for a looser adherence to any dietary restrictions (even if they weren’t logged!).

The second interruption to the food logs was a week spent in L’Escala in beautiful Catalonia, Spain.


We always love it there, it’s a region renowned for agriculture, it’s produce and a great food culture. As always we ate well and due to the circumstances and climate probably ate a little less than normal, but again the food tracking was on hold for the duration of the week.

The following gallery are the meals I managed to log in what was a more dynamic month.