This is a food diary of sorts showing the meals we’ve eaten throughout the month.
Whilst I enjoy photographing food, historically I’ve never been too keen on actually photographing what I’m about to eat.
Primarily because I’m more interested in eating it than taking photos and showing it to someone else.
There is also the reality that getting a nice shot of food takes a bit of faffing and crucially the lighting needs to be right. Mealtimes are often less than ideal times for natural light (at least in my house), so it’s difficult to represent the food well.
Here I’ve done my best to show the food in real time as it’s about to be eaten.
It’s also worth noting that recently the majority of our meals are vegetarian (although meat or fish does feature but less frequently) and they currently follow the daily tracking plan as laid out by the PN system.
So currently….. just for now…..cake and pudding is off the menu .
Boo 🙁
However, watch this space.
Breakfast and through the mid-morning is usually pretty repeatable. During this period of the day it works best for us to have a consistent predictable routine that is simple and requires minimal effort or thought. At the weekend the approach can become a bit more improvised, but we have to be wary, as slower mornings risk dawdling over breakfast which can make it much harder to keep the rest of the day on track.
Our mornings usually follow a format of hot drinks then a green smoothie followed by a mid morning of yoghurt, porridge or maybe eggs. It’s easy to add a bit of variety within this framework by mixing up the fruit with yoghurt or porridge, making a freestyle granola or varying how we have our eggs.
As a treat for an early start and an active morning I might bake a sourdough loaf to eat with the eggs.

Lunch and Dinner:
As I’m currently based at home I’m able to structure my day to allow more time to prepare lunch. However I still want to keep the time in the kitchen to a realistic level so I try to keep this conservative.
Dinner is usually tackled in the normal way following the working day and we try to work with the resources we already have in.
There are a few meals missing from the list as inevitably we have repetition. A stir fry looks as interesting as the last and who cares if your omelette has a slightly different filling.

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