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Wiggle your big toe

This has felt like a long and laborious week.

Firstly I’ve been attempting to learn how to make CSS responsive.

At the instruction level it all sounds so straight forward. Here are some properties that do different stuff. You just type in the styles that you want and hey presto!


FFS……..! That’s not how it should look. Where have I gone wrong….?

The chirpy online course instruction “… now you know what to do, you’re ready to start styling this website.” .

Only I’m not.

What a dumbass.

I’ve recently started playing tennis with some old friends. I really look forward to it. Just a couple of hours with some mates, outside, knocking a ball around. I’m not particularly good but I can get involved without it being too much of a bummer for my doubles partner.

We were talking last week about what it must be like to receive a serve from Nadal, Federer etc. We concluded that we probably wouldn’t have moved by the time it hit the court nets at the back. Still just standing there like a dopey muffin as the ball whizzed past.

I’ve felt a bit like that this week. 

Maybe it’s because I’m just expecting to absorb it all like a sponge, which I’m not. I feel more like granite – dense and non porous. I’d make a good worktop.

Am I learning…? I’m not sure. Possibly, no probably – bloody hope so, I’ve got a lot pinned on this.

Maybe this is normal…? What is normal? I’m just finding it bloody hard. Maybe I’ll look back on this post and wonder what I was whingeing about. For now it’s my own therapy.

Secondly, on a separate whinge. My touch-typing progression has required me to upskill my left little finger this week. Not a dominant appendage of mine, possibly one of the lower skilled out of the gang and not always obedient to cognitive thought.

Have you ever seen Kill Bill….? Remember the bit “Wiggle your big toe.” ……?

It’s a bit like that. My brain fan was whirring again and my left forearm was pumped. Surprising how hard it is to type a-1-z with your little non-dominant finger!

So it’s been tiring in a weird way. I’ve always loved a hard days work but its always been physical, get your teeth stuck in, satisfying work. This has zapped me from the inside.

At least now it’s Friday. I’m off to play tennis.